Course Content
Introduction To WABMA
Module One {1} : Voice Training
- Module 1 teaches the impact of voice training and how it enhances self-confidence; it lists options available to the student; and, it takes the student through appropriate practical exercises that helps train the voice.
Module Two {2} : Introduction to Phonetics
Module 2: defines phonetics and identifies the different types of phonetics; and, the Module takes the student through appropriate practical exercises.
Module Three {3) : Identifying Organs of Speech
- Module 3 examines the organs of speech diagram; provides the definitions for them; itemizes their locations in the speech process; and, identifies their functions.
Module Five (5): Articulating Vowels and Consonants Speech Sounds
-This Module shows students that spellings are no constant guide to pronunciation; it examines the articulatory process involved in speech sounds; and, provides video interactive exercises from the BBC and several other professional stations with practical tips about how to be a professional broadcast presenter. It’s a long session; so, prepare well, get writing stuff ready, pause the video often and PRACTISE!
Module Six (6) The Essence of Transcription and Use of Daniel Jones Pronouncing Dictionary
Module 8: Interview Techniques
Module 9 : News Reading
Module 10 : Music On Radio
Basic Presentation (Long Course)
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